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Specialties & Modalities

A closer look at my areas of focus and the methods I am able to incorporate into counseling

Areas of Specialization

If you’re between the ages of 18-30 and are facing life transitions, anxiety, depression, healing from trauma, or are wanting to live a life more in alignment with your values, please reach out to set up a free 15-minute consultation to see if we will be a good fit.

Population & Challenges I Specialize In

Moving into adulthood and away from the environment you grew up in is an exciting, yet challenging time. Sometimes these transitions bring new anxieties or other mental health challenges, such as depression.


On top of that, we sometimes gain an awareness of unhealthy patterns in our families that we want do not want to not repeat for ourselves.


If you're experiencing any of the above challenges, please reach out. There is hope and you can create a new path for yourself. See the sections below for more information on ways you can gain skills to address these areas of life.


Learn more about different techniques I am able to offer in counseling sessions.

Art Therapy

Art therapy is fitting for anyone who is willing to give it a try, with or without an artistic background.


Art therapy can give you a way to get out of your head and visualize your experiences with a new perspective through creating. With this new perspective you may be able to take a new approach to life or gain insight into yourself and your situation. In art therapy your creations will never be critiqued, but are instead used as a springboard for discussion.

Learn more about art therapy here.


EMDR stands for "Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing."

EMDR provides you with a way to reprocess traumatic life experiences and decrease responses to triggers of traumatic experiences. While EMDR includes some talking, it allows your brain to lead the way to healing from traumatic experiences rather than relying solely on your own conscious thought processes.

Learn more about EMDR here.

Christian Counseling

If you would like to incorporate your Christian faith into the counseling process, we can incorporate prayer and/or the Bible. ​I will follow your lead as the client on how you would like to incorporate your faith into your counseling sessions.

If you have religious trauma that you are hoping to process, this is a safe space to do so.

I welcome clients from all faith backgrounds and spiritual beliefs.

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